- 5 scallops
- 4 radishes
- Soya shoots
*Fort he jalapeño pepper emulsion:
- 2 jalapeños
- 1 egg
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil Palacio Marques de Viana. The Palace Blend
Fort he jalepeño emulsion: First, preheat the oven at 356º F . Later, introduce the jalapeños 25 minutes. Once it is cooked, it is important to clean the seeds to avoid the spicy.
Later, use Turmix and mix the jalapeños, add 3 coffee mugs of olive oil and 1 egg. Crush it until the sauce is creamy.
Cut the scallops and the radishes into fine slices. Use a shallow dish and put the scallops and radishes, on top put some soya shoots and dress it with The Palace Blend EVOO. The emulsion will be on the side.